
13th Meeting of Programme Committee convened
June 1, 2024
The 13th meeting of the Programme Committee of Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti was convened in Gandhi Smriti on June 1, 2024, under the Chairmanship of Shri Vijay Goel, Vice Chairman GSDS. The distinguished members who were present at the meeting included Shri Rajkumar Sharma, Shri Pradeep Gandhi, Dr. Jyoti Arora, Shri Satpal Bhatia, Dr. Jwala Prasad, Director GSDS and Dr. Vedabhyas Kundu, Programme Officer GSDS.
GSDS Leads Tree Planting Initiative to Celebrate World Environment Day 2024 June 5, 2024
On June 5, 2024, Dr. Jwala Prasad, Director, Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti (GSDS), spearheaded a significant tree planting initiative in celebration of World Environment Day. The event, held at both the Gandhi Smriti and Gandhi Darshan complexes, saw the enthusiastic participation of a large group of children, GSDS staff, and professional artists and craftspeople. Various fruit-bearing trees were planted, symbolizing a commitment to enhancing environmental sustainability and fostering a greener future.
During the ceremony, Dr. Prasad addressed the participants, emphasizing the importance of environmental stewardship. He inspired the children and all attendees to pledge to plant trees on special occasions throughout their lives, thereby contributing to a legacy of ecological mindfulness and action.
This year's World Environment Day theme, “Land restoration, desertification and drought resilience,” underscored the global imperative to address pressing environmental challenges. Dr. Prasad highlighted the relevance of this theme in the context of the tree planting initiative, noting that restoring land through reforestation efforts is a crucial step toward combating desertification and building resilience against drought. The event not only aimed to beautify the Gandhi Smriti and Darshan complexes but also to educate and engage the community in sustainable practices.
10-day Gandhi Summer School inaugurated in Gandhi Darshan, Rajghat June 5, 2024
Dr. Jwala Prasad, Director, Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti inaugurated the 10-day Gandhi Summer School for the slum children in Gandhi Darshan Rajghat on June 5, 2024. A large number of children from different slum areas are taking part in this summer school programme during which they will be trained in various skills such as theatre, mime and Chhau dance, Bharatnatyam dance, pottery, jute craft, music, sessions on mediation and conflict resolution, film-making, candle-making, charkha spinning, Lippon Art, Comic Strip, etc. Ms. Nisha Trivedi senior resource person from the National School of Drama was the guest of honour on this occasion.
Director Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti, Dr. Jwala Prasad interacted with the resource persons of different skills at the ongoing 10-day Gandhi Summer School on June 7, 2024 in Gandhi Darshan, Rajghat. He also encouraged children to be more alert and gain knowledge from the skills being imparted and enjoy while learning. Programme Officer Dr. Vedabhyas Kundu and Research Officer Dr. Saurav Kr. Rai were also present on this occasion.

59th Meeting of Executive Committee convened
June 9, 2024
The meeting of the 59th Executive Committee of GSDS was convened under the Chairmanship of Shri Vijay Goel, Hon‟ble Vice Chairman, Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti. The hon‟ble members present at the meeting included Smt. Amita Prasad Sarbhai, Member Secretary, GSDS and Joint Secretary, MoC; Shri Mahesh Sharma and Shri Banwari. The meeting began with Director GSDS, Dr. Jwala Prasad giving a brief outline of the major events undertaken by the Samiti under the leadership of the Hon‟ble Vice Chairman Shri Vijay Goel. He also outlined numerous projects proposed to be taken up by GSDS. A number of agendas were also discussed on this occasion. The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks.

Valedictory Programme of Gandhi Summer School
June 18, 2024
H.E. Ms Diana Mickeviciene Ambassador, Embassy of the Republic of @Lithuania in India was the chief guest at the valedictory function of the 15-day Gandhi Summer School in Gandhi Darshan, Rajghat on June 18, 2024 during which children presented an extravaganza of cultural performances.
Presided over by Dr Jwala Prasad, Director GSDS, the guest of honour on this occasion was Mr Chittaranjan Tripathy, Director of National School of Drama. The other special guests included Shri Govind Ji, Sangathan Mantri of Vidya Bharati group of institutions, Shri Rajkumar Sharma, Prof Rubina Mittal and Shri Lakshya Chhabaria, Members of Program Committee of GSDS.
An exhibition of the paintings, Lippon art, candles, pottery, comic strips, learnt by children in the 15-day Summer School programme, was displayed, which the distinguished guests visited and appreciated.
In his welcome address, Dr. Jwala Prasad, emphasized the importance of fostering creativity in children. He remarked, “Creativity is the foundation of innovation and growth. By encouraging our children to explore and express their creativity, we are paving the way for a brighter and more imaginative future.”
H.E. Ms. Diana Mickeviciene, in her address, lauded the children‟s efforts and the diverse display of creativity through their works which were exhibited. She said, “The enthusiasm and talent displayed by these young minds are truly inspiring,” adding, “Their ability to learn and create in such a short span is a testament to their potential and the excellent guidance they have received.”
Earlier, Mr. Chittaranjan Tripathy, also praised the children's artistic endeavours. “Art and culture play a crucial role in the holistic development of a child,” he stated. “The varied artworks and exhibited here today reflect the creativity and dedication of these young artists. It is through such initiatives that we can nurture and develop the innate talents of our future generations.”

Samiti’s 59th Executive Committee Meeting of GSDS convened
June 6, 2024
The Hon‟ble Vice Chairman GSDS and Chairman Executive Committee of GSDS, Shri Vijay Goel chaired the 59th Executive Committee Meeting of Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti in Gandhi Smriti on June 6, 2024. Member Secretary GSDS and Joint Secretary Ministry of Culture, Smt. Amita Sarbhai; Shri Mahesh Chand Sharma (Member) and Shri Banwari (Member) were present on this occasion. Dr. Jwala Prasad, Director GSDS was also present on this occasion and gave an introduction to the programmes organized by the GSDS during 2023-24.
Mahatma Gandhi Digital Centre inaugurated in Gandhi Smriti by Shri Vijay Goel June 6, 2024
Hon‟ble Shri Vijay Goel inaugurated the newly developed “Mahatma Gandhi Digital Centre” in Gandhi Smriti on June 6, 2024. The hon‟ble Members of the Executive Committee of GSDS, Shri Mahesh Chand Sharma, Shri Banwari, Smt. Amita Sarbhai, JS MoC and MS GSDS were present on this occasion. Director GSDS, Dr. Jwala Prasad was also at this inaugural ceremony. The technical

expertise in this centre featuring attractive displays on the life, philosophy and history of Mahatma Gandhi has been provided by Bootes Inmex.
Workshop to Promote use of Hindi Language organized
June 11, 2024
A workshop to promote the use of Hindi language in daily functioning of the office, was organized on June 11, 2024 by Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti at Gandhi Darshan, Rajghat. The workshop focused on encouraging employees to use Hindi in their official work, reflecting the importance of the language in government operations. The Deputy Director of the Official Language Department of the Ministry of Culture, Shri Shishir Sharma, who was the chief guest on the occasion, guided the participants on effective usage of Hindi in their daily tasks.
Dr. Jwala Prasad, Director GSDS, presided over the programme. In his address, he emphasized the cultural significance of Hindi and its role in unifying the country. He remarked that Hindi is not just a language but a symbol of our rich cultural heritage and unity. Embracing Hindi in our official work fosters a deeper connection with our roots and strengthens national integration.
Shri Shishir Sharma, in his address, highlighted practical aspects and the importance of the official language in administrative functions. He stated that working in Hindi not only streamlines our administrative processes but also brings us closer to the citizens we serve. It is imperative that we take pride in using our official language and set an example for others to follow.
The event saw participation from various staff members, including Programme Officer GSDS Dr. Vedabhyas Kundu and Research Officer Dr. Saurav Kr Rai.
10th International Yoga Day celebrated with enthusiasm at Gandhi Darshan June 21, 2024
The 10th International Yoga Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm at Gandhi Darshan Rajghat by Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti. Shri Sunil Kumar, Hon‟ble Member of Parliament from Valmiki Nagar, West Champaran, Bihar was the Chief Guest on this occasion. The function was presided over by Dr. Jwala Prasad, Director Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti. More than 600 school children, their parents, teachers, and staff members performed yoga on this occasion.
Dr. Mukesh Dwivedi and his team from All India Institute of Ayurveda demonstrated the physical and mental benefits of yoga practice to the participants through a series of yoga asanas. The Chief Guest, Shri Sunil Kumar took part in the yoga asanas.
In his address on the occasion, Shri Sunil Kumar said that yoga is the identity of Indian culture. On the initiative of the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, Yoga Day is being celebrated in 172 countries of the world today. It is a matter of pride for India.
Expressing his views, Director Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti Dr. Jwala Prasad said that this day is celebrated internationally to spread awareness about yoga's physical, mental and spiritual benefits. Mahatma Gandhi also advocated the inclusion of pranayama and asanas in everyday life. It is a matter of joy that today the attraction towards yoga and the usefulness of yoga is increasing all over the world.
The Samiti‟s Administrative Officer Shri Sanjeet Kumar expressed his gratitude to all the guests as he proposed the vote of thanks.
As part of World Music Day, also celebrated on June 21, an extravaganza of musical performances entsshused the audience. Artistes from “Mystic Swara” and “Manzil Mystics” presented different songs of patriotism, Kabir, and hope.
Many dignitaries including Sulabh International Social Welfare Organisation‟s Senior Vice President Abha Kumar, GSDS‟ Program Committee Member Mr. Prabhat Kumar, along with Mr. Lakshya Chhabria, Programme Officer Dr. Vedabhyas Kundu were present at the function.
Sulabh International Social Service Organization and Amul India collaborated with the Samiti as Yoga Event Partners on this occasion.

Lecture on “Yoga and Samadhi: Steps to Self Regulation”
June 21, 2024
As part of the celebrations to mark the International Yoga Day 2024 on June 21, 2024, Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti organised a lecture on योग और समाधी : आत्मसाक्षात्कार के सोऩान (Yoga and Samadhi: Steps to Self Realization) in Gandhi Darshan, Rajghat. Prof. Om Nath Bimali, Director, Centre for Hindu Studies, Delhi University and Prof. & Head Department of Sanskrit, Faculty of Arts, DU delivered the lecture. Dr. Jwala Prasad, Director GSDS, presided over the programme. While Dr. Vedabhyas Kundu, Programme Officer GSDS delivered the welcome address, the vote of thanks was proposed by Shri Sanjeet Kumar, Administrative Officer, GSDS. Prof. A P Singh, from Zakir Hussain College, Delhi University also shared his perspective on this occasion.
Prof. Om Nath Bimali‟s elucidation on yoga and samadhi finds deep roots in several ancient scriptures, particularly the “Yoga Sutras of Patanjali,” the “Bhagavad Gita,” and the “Hatha Yoga Pradipika.” The “Yoga Sutras of Patanjali” delineate the eight limbs of yoga (Ashtanga Yoga), encompassing yamas (ethical disciplines), niyamas (observances), asanas (physical postures), pranayama (breath control), pratyahara (withdrawal of senses), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation), and samadhi (absorption). According to Patanjali, these steps provide a comprehensive framework that prepares the practitioner for samadhi, the ultimate goal where the individual consciousness merges with the universal consciousness. This systematic approach underscores the holistic nature of yoga as described by Prof. Bimali, highlighting that physical postures and breath control are integral yet preparatory components of a broader spiritual journey.
Sharing his perspective, Prof. Om Bimali reiterated that in the “Bhagavad Gita,” particularly in Chapter 6, Lord Krishna explicates the path of meditation (dhyana yoga) and its role in achieving self realization. He explains that through disciplined practice of yoga, one can attain a state of inner tranquility and focus, which is essential for reaching samadhi. Krishna emphasizes that consistent practice leads to control over the mind and senses, enabling the practitioner to rise above the dualities of life and experience the unity with the divine self (atman). Prof. Bimali further laid emphasis on the transformative power of yoga in achieving mental clarity and emotional balance, as these practices facilitate a deeper connection with the self, paving the way for spiritual awakening and ultimate liberation (moksha).
Prof. Bimali said that „self-realisation‟ is one‟s becoming aware of one‟s true Self and abiding in it. It is realizing that one is not the psycho physical entity consisting of the body, mind, intellect and ego, but rather, one is the Self-all-pervading. This Self in yogic parlance is described as Atman, Brahman, rather the ultimate Reality and Truth”.
While talking about the spiritual dimension of yoga, Prof. Bimali said that the spiritual dimension of yoga encompasses more than physical postures, reaching into the realms of mental and emotional well-being. Rooted in ancient Indian philosophy, yoga aims to unify the body, mind, and spirit. Through practices such as meditation, pranayama (breath control), and ethical disciplines (yamas and niyamas), yoga cultivates inner peace and self-awareness. This holistic approach helps reduce suffering by promoting a sense of balance and harmony within oneself. Further, meditation and mindfulness practices in yoga encourage a detachment from ego-driven desires and fears, fostering a deeper connection to the present moment. This detachment helps individuals manage stress, anxiety, and negative emotions more effectively. Furthermore, the emphasis on compassion, self-discipline, and non-attachment guides practitioners toward a more fulfilling and contented life. By addressing the root causes of suffering, yoga offers a path to lasting inner peace and spiritual growth.
In his Presidential remarks, Dr. Jwala Prasad spoke about “Aham Brahmasmi” (I am Brahman) and said that it is a profound Vedic assertion from the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, symbolizing the realization of the self‟s unity with the ultimate reality, Brahman. Referring to the the Bhagavad Gita and the conversation between Arjuna and Krishna, Dr. Jwala Prasad emphasized that Arjuna, overwhelmed by the moral dilemmas of war, sought guidance from Krishna. Krishna, embodying the divine, revealed his universal form and imparted the wisdom of self-realization and detachment. He teaches Arjuna about the eternal nature of the soul, emphasizing that the true self is beyond physical existence and untouched by worldly conflicts. This mirrors the core of “Aham Brahmasmi,” encouraging Arjuna to transcend his limited ego and recognize his oneness with the supreme consciousness. Krishna‟s teachings guide Arjuna towards understanding his dharma (duty) and embracing his role in the cosmic order, embodying the spirit of self-awareness and divine unity.

Training in Fire Safety conducted
June 24, 2024
On June 24, 2024, a comprehensive „fire safety training‟ programme was conducted at Gandhi Darshan, Rajghat, by Shri Sanjeet Kumar, the Administrative Officer of Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti. This programme aimed to enhance awareness and preparedness among the staff and visitors regarding fire safety protocols. The session commenced with Shri Kumar elucidating the importance of fire safety, especially in public places like Gandhi Darshan and Gandhi Smriti, which attracts numerous visitors daily, has number of offices functioning, electric panels and above all residential premises within the campus. He emphasized the critical need for prompt and effective responses during fire emergencies to prevent casualties and minimize property damage.
During the training, Shri Sanjeet Kumar detailed the various types of fire extinguishers, their specific uses, and the appropriate scenarios for their deployment. He provided a thorough explanation of the PASS (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep) technique, which is essential for operating a fire extinguisher effectively. Shri Kumar also discussed the importance of regular maintenance and inspection of fire safety equipment to ensure their proper functioning in emergencies. Through various scientific formulas he further detailed the crucial role of oxygen in spreading fire and the measures containing it. His presentation was interactive, with attendees encouraged to ask questions and engage in discussions, fostering a deeper understanding of fire safety measures.
A highlight of the programme was the live demonstration by Shri Sanjeet Kumar on the proper use of a fire extinguisher. He showcased the correct method to handle and operate the extinguisher. The event concluded with a reiteration of the importance of fire safety and a commitment to implementing the learned practices in daily operations.

1. Her Excellency, Ms. Natalia Royo, Ambassador of Panama in United Kingdom visited Gandhi Smriti on June 4, 2024. During the visit, she offered tributes at the Martyr's Column and was also visited Mahatma Gandhi's room. A guided tour was given by Shri Rajdeep Pathak. Dr. Saurav Kr. Rai presented Ms. Natalia with a charkha on this occasion.
2. A 21-member delegation from the Embassy of Netherlands in India visited Gandhi Smriti on June 6, 2024. Led by Mrs. Marisa Gerards, Ambassador of the Netherlands in India, the delegation included officials of the Dutch Government from the Ministry of Health, Wellbeing, Sports, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Department International Entrepreneurship), Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate, Ministry of Defence, Department of Consular Affairs and so on. The delegation offered tributes to Mahatma Gandhi at the Martyr‟s Column. They also visited the room where Mahatma Gandhi lived the last 144 days of his life. Dr. Saurav Kr. Rai, Research Officer GSDS and Shri Rajdeep Pathak, Programme Executive GSDS interacted with the delegation.
3. Dr. Jwala Prasad, Director GSDS welcomed Shri Vineet Handa, Chairman Swadeshi Sodh Sansthan in Gandhi Smriti on June 26, 2024 by presenting him an angavastram and a memento. He along with Shri Vineet Handa offered tribute at the Martyrs Column and also visited Gandhiji‟s room. Dr. O P Yadav, Chairman, Parliament Press of South Asia (SAARC Nations) also joined Shri Vineet on this occasion and saw the Gandhi Smriti museum.
4. A delegation of 23 Sri Lankan Police Officials including DIG, SPs and others including one female officer visited Gandhi Smriti on June 27, 2024. Dr. Saurav Kr. Rai, Research Officer GSDS along with Shri Rajdeep Pathak, Programme Executive GSDS welcomed the delegation. The delegation visited the Martyr‟s Column and offered tributes at the Martyr‟s Column. Later when the delegation visited Gandhi Smriti Museum, Ms. Suman and Ms. Sarita gave a guided tour to them.