GSDS Programmes

Lecture on Concepts and Dimensions of Nonviolence

As part of the lecture series on nonviolence organized by GSDS in association with the Malaviya Centre for Peace Research, Banaras Hindu University, the focus of the first lecture on December 7, 2020 was on different concepts and dimensions of nonviolence. The GSDS Programme Officer, Dr Vedabhyas Kundu delivered the lecture. He spoke on different theoretical and practical notions of nonviolence, the Indian traditions of nonviolence, the Gandhian approach and contemporary issues related to nonviolence.
The second lecture in the series was on Nonviolent Communication on December 9, 2020. The GSDS Programme Officer, Dr Vedabhyas Kundu focused on the need of nonviolent communication, what was nonviolent communication and how it could be used in our daily lives. He also gave a theoretical orientation on nonviolent communication.

COVID Safety kits distributed in Chhapra, Bihar

GSDS in association with Lupin Human Welfare Organisation Rajasthan and Mahila Vikas Sansthan Basantpur, Chhapra, Bihar distributed the COVID safety kits to the doctors at the city hospital. Social worker Shri Viswas Gautam coordinated the distribution programme on behalf of the GSDS. Dr. Madeshwar Jha Civil Surgeon received the PPE kits, face masks, gloves and oximeter on December 4, 2020.

COVid19 Health Camp at Vijay Ghat slums organized

Health Camp was conducted in the Slum of Vijay Ghat on December 5, 2020. Rapid Antigen and RTPCR tests were conducted for 100 patients by the team of Doctors from UPHC Daryaganj New Delhi.. GSDS representatives Smt. Geeta Shukla, Research Officer GSDS, Dr. Manju Rani Aggarwal, Coordinator Health Programmes GSDS, Shri Rajdeep Pathak, Programme Executive, GSDS and Shri Arvind Yadav attended the camp. The team of doctors comprising of Dr. Sunil Minj, Medical Officer In-charge, UPHC Daryaganj, Dr. Sheetal, Gynaecologist, Sister Prem Bala and Shri Ashfaque conducted the camp.
Another health camp was organized on December 15 for the slums of Bela Gaon and Rajghat Power House where almost 121 people were conducted tests for RTPCR.
At another camp organized on December 19, 2020 at Rajasthani Basti, RTPCT was conducted for 304 people by team of doctors from SDMC UPHC Daryaganj.

Fourth Anupam Mishra Memorial Lecture organized

December 22, 2020
The Individual is a Mobile Institution and has to continuously introspect: Laxmi Dass
“Organisations should be flexible. Every individual has to be independent in their functioning. This was the message of Mahatma Gandhi and Acharya Vinoba Bhawe who had laid impetus on individual development of the workers for their overall growth”, said Shri Laxmi Dass. He further added, “Every organization has to be self-dependent organization, with faith in the God. They have to realize that they have a greater role towards the welfare of the society and have to depend on the established norms”.
Shri Laxmi Dass, Vice President Harijan Sevak Sangh and Executive Member GSDS was addressing a webinar while delivering the fourth Anupam Lecture series on the theme “Sansthain Narayan Parayan Bane” (Organisations must be oriented towards the greater common good) in Gandhi Darshan on December 22, 2020.
Addressing journalists, social thinkers, academicians and youth in the webinar, Shri Laxmi Dass said that many volunteer organisations have devoted their entire framework towards serving the society in areas of rural development, women empowerment, children and others. They have reached the interior parts of the country to serve the needy. “The role of these voluntary organisations is exemplary. Even where governments could not reach, there are many such organisations and people who have reached these most underdeveloped places and have worked towards... Read More

Eworkshop on Conflict Competence through Nonviolent Communication

Conflict competence is the ability to develop and use cognitive, emotional, and behavioral skills that enhance productive outcomes of conflict while reducing the likelihood of escalation or harm. The results of conflict competence include improved quality of relationships, creative solutions, and lasting agreements for addressing challenges and opportunities in the future. As we find ourselves in different types of conflicts in our daily lives it is important how we can enhance our conflict competence.
In the E-Workshop organized by the Samiti in association with the Online University of Kyrgyzstan on November 24, 2020, the GSDS Programme Officer, Dr Vedabhyas Kundu conducting the session talked on how we can enhance our conflict competence through nonviolent communication. He talked on the attitudinal , emotional and behavioural skills needed for conflict competence and the essence of the elements of nonviolent communication in developing these skills.
The President of the Online University, Prof Ellira Turduvaeva talked on the importance of conflict competence in our daily lives. Later during the interaction with the participants there was in-depth discussion on the importance of self-awareness for conflict competence.

Webinar on Why Nonviolent Communication Matters for Peaceful Coexistence organized

Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti in association with The Catholic University of Malawi organized a webinar on “Why Nonviolent Communication – Matters for Peace Coexistence?” on November 12, 2020. Mrs. Chimwemwe Demetria Kandodo, Head Political Leadership, Department, The Catholic University of Malawi coordinated the event and presented her reflections. The key note address was delivered by Dr. Vedabhyas Kundu, Programme Officer GSDS. Shri Dipanker Shri Gyan, Director GSDS, delivered the welcome address. Ms Shuchi Sharma, an educator and life skills trainer and a Gandhian peace builder and programme trainer at the Global Education and Leadership Foundation conducted the session with the participants. Mr. Victor Alianse Chipofya, Gandhi Consultative Forum, Malawi moderated the webinar.
Citing examples of her interaction with hundreds of participants who had undergone the certificate course on non-violent communication of the Samiti and their understanding of the concepts and practical application of the course in their day-to-day life, Ms. Shuchi highlighted that nonviolent communication “Can be a useful tool to resolve interpersonal conflict, to explore what our feelings mean, to take accountability for our actions, to improve ourselves and the way we communicate”, for which she said that a person need to develop active listening skills and understand the need of others.

Exploring Nonviolent Communication A Workshop

A session on “Exploring Nonviolent Communication” for the students of Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain was conducted on November 12, 2020 by Dr. Vedabhyas Kundu, Programme Officer, GSDS who gave the key note address.
Dr. Vedabhyas Kundu spoke about serious conflicts which he said often seem impossible to escape, especially when resentment, anger, or frustration get in the way. “With Nonviolent Communication, one will be able to address problems while honouring others including oneself”, and added, “It is important to be aware of self-judgment, as well as recognize your feelings and needs as these enable you to carve the path towards self-forgiveness instead of the way that leads to guilt, shame, anger, or depression”. He further outlined that Living compassionately is also about your attitude towards life.

Launch of On-line Certificate Course on Nonviolent Communication

100 participants from the University of Liberal Arts, Bangladesh (ULAB) took part in a webinar during the launch of the On-Line Certificate Course on Nonviolent Communication organized by Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti on November 19, 2020.
Initiating the discussion, Prof. Jude William R. Genilo, Professor and Head of MSJ-ULAB spoke about his organization and the value of tolerance the institution promotes. He said, “Tolerance is about opening one’s heart to others. It is about treating all humanely and goes with courage”. Terming non-violence communication as “compassionate and collaborative communication”, he further stressed on the importance of ‘negotiation and dialogue’. “The goal is to identify shared needs and being collectivistic, which develops cultural connectivity.
Echoing a similar sentiment, Shri Dipanker Shri Gyan, Director GSDS spoke about the atrocities against the vulnerable groups and said that non-violent communication can address multiple issues of conflicts amicably.
Sharing inputs on the course, Shri Dipanker Shri Gyan futher said that the course is aimed to understand the needs of others and engages the participants in tools for negotiation. Terming it a “Life-skill learners self capacity building programme”, he underlined the essence of engaging in dialogue and compassion.
Drawing references from the Indian and Western philosophies, Dr. Vedabhyas Kundu, Programme Officer GSDS spoke of methods that improves interpersonal... Read More

71st Anniversary of the Constitution of India

The Preamble constitutes the soul of the Constitution: Justice Vikramaditya Prasad
“Mahatma Gandhi is an experimental scientist who had his impact on every aspect of a person’s life and touched the soul of the nation when he reached out to the last person of the society”, said Justice (Retd) Shri Vikramaditya Prasad. He further added, “Mahatma Gandhi’s concern for persons who are in the last row of the society, helped the drafting members of the Constituent Assembly while drafting the Constitution of India”.
Justice Vikramaditya Prasad, who retired as a judge from the High Court of Jharkhand said this while delivering the key-note address at the webinar on “Influence of Mahatma Gandhi on Constitution of India” on November 26, 2020 organized by Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti (GSDS) in association with the Gandhi Peace Club of National University of Study in Research in Law (NUSRL), Ranchi as a celebration of the 71st Constitution Day.
Addressing a gathering of almost 79 students, volunteers, faculty members of NUSRL, lawyers and several other people who joined the webinar, Justice Vikramaditya Prasad said the impact of Mahatma Gandhi’s thoughts and vision can be seen reflecting in the Constitution of India, as Gandhiji’s ideas of all aspects of human life, from socialism, to sarvodaya, to welfare of women and other issues.
Informing that the first constitution drafted by Mahatma Gandhi was princely stately of Aundhia in Maharashtra, which had 72... Read More

Reading of the Preamble to the Indian Constitution organized

As part of the celebrations to mark the 71st Constitution Day on November 26, 2020, Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti organized the reading of the Preamble to the Indian Constitution in Hindi and English in both its campuses in Gandhi Darshan, Rajghat and Gandhi Smriti at Tees January Marg at 11.00 A.M. All the staff members joined in both the campuses during the ceremony.
In Gandhi Darshan, the Preamble was read in Hindi by Shri Praveen Dutt Sharma and the English text was read by Shri Rajdeep Pathak. Dr. Sailaja Gullapalli led the staff in Gandhi Smriti Prayer Ground in reading the Preamble.
Further the Preamble has also been depicted in the wall at the Gandhi Darshan complex in both the languages.

MUDITA a Workshop on Promotion of volunteerism for Constructive Work

Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA), Shahed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women (SRCASW), a flagship program of MHRD in association with Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti organized ‘MUDITA’, a Workshop on 'Promotion of Volunteerism for Constructive Work' on November 7, 2020. The main objectives of this program were:
• Instil amongst youth a spirit of volunteerism
• Exposition of Gandhian constructive work
• Explore & develop ideas for volunteer work
• Preparing young people to contribute to community & nation-building
• Developing capacities of young people in leadership & team-building
Dr. Vedabhyas Kundu, Programme Officer GSDS and Shri Gulshan Gupta, GSDS Coordinator North East Programmes conducted the interactive workshop. Almost 89 participants took part in the discussion.
The essence and meaning of volunteerism were explained in a beautiful manner. The skills required for successful volunteerism like communication skills, leadership skills, public relations skills were explained in a very comprehensive manner. The importance of team spirit, trustworthiness, empathy, self confidence in volunteerism was also spoken about.
Questions like ‘When should we start volunteering? How should we volunteer? Where should we volunteer? When should we stop volunteering? Can you earn in volunteering? Does donation account to volunteering?’ etc., were addressed in the workshop. The speakers further shared their real-life... Read More

Non Violent Communication Lecture Series in association with the Central Board of Secondary Education

November 4, 2020: The focus of the lecture was on how to resolve conflicts through nonviolent communication. The talk focused on strategies of conflict resolution and the centrality of nonviolent communication in resolving disputes through win-win solutions.
November 11, 2020: The fourth lecture series with CBSE focused on Anger Management. Conducted by Shri Gulshan Gupta, North East Coordinator of GSDS programmes, the workshop focused on understanding the psychology behind anger and defusing anger. Discussions took place on various topics related to anger; from distinction between good and bad anger, to what are the factors that trigger anger more frequently in teenagers than in any other person. The audience also got to learn about the important implications of a few essential words like ego, knowledge, confidence, jealousy and most importantly success; striving to achieve one’s dreams and success is the key to distract oneself from rage and staying happy
November 18, 2020: The focus of the lecture was on understanding self through nonviolent communication. The focus was on techniques of being self-aware and how our self-talk and inner dialogue should be nonviolent in nature.

Reading of the Preamble to the Indian Constitution organized November 26, 2020

As part of the celebrations to mark the 71st Constitution Day on November 26, 2020, Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti organized the reading of the Preamble to the Indian Constitution in Hindi and English in both its campuses in Gandhi Darshan, Rajghat and Gandhi Smriti at Tees January Marg at 11.00 A.M. All the staff members joined in both the campuses during the ceremony.
In Gandhi Darshan, the Preamble was read in Hindi by Shri Praveen Dutt Sharma and the English text was read by Shri Rajdeep Pathak. Dr. Sailaja Gullapalli led the staff in Gandhi Smriti Prayer Ground in reading the Preamble.
Further the Preamble has also been depicted in the wall at the Gandhi Darshan complex in both the languages.

71st Anniversary of the Constitution of India

The Preamble constitutes the soul of the Constitution: Justice Vikramaditya Prasad
“Mahatma Gandhi is an experimental scientist who had his impact on every aspect of a person’s life and touched the soul of the nation when he reached out to the last person of the society”, said Justice (Retd) Shri Vikramaditya Prasad. He further added, “Mahatma Gandhi’s concern for persons who are in the last row of the society, helped the drafting members of the Constituent Assembly while drafting the Constitution of India”.
Justice Vikramaditya Prasad, who retired as a judge from the High Court of Jharkhand said this while delivering the key-note address at the webinar on “Influence of Mahatma Gandhi on Constitution of India” on November 26, 2020 organized by Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti (GSDS) in association with the Gandhi Peace Club of National University of Study in Research in Law (NUSRL), Ranchi as a celebration of the 71st Constitution Day.
Addressing a gathering of almost 79 students, volunteers, faculty members of NUSRL, lawyers and several other people who joined the webinar, Justice Vikramaditya Prasad said the impact of Mahatma Gandhi’s thoughts and vision can be seen reflecting in the Constitution of India, as Gandhiji’s ideas of all aspects of human life, from socialism, to sarvodaya, to welfare of women and other issues.
Informing that the first constitution drafted by Mahatma Gandhi was princely stately of Aundhia in Maharashtra, which had 72... Read More

Resisting Disinfomedic: Using Media and Information Literacy for Peaceful Coexistence

An E-conference on “Resisting Disinfomedic: Using Media and Information Literacy for Peaceful Coexistence” was organised on October 30, 2020 by GSDS in association with Indian Association of Teachers of Library and Information Science (IATLIS), Malviya Centre for Peace Research, Banaras Hindu University, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and UNESCO Chair for Peace and Intercultural Understanding (UniTwin). The key speakers who spoke on the occasion were Prof. Priyankar Upadhyaya, UniTwin; Dr. K S Arul Selvan, Associate Professor, School of Journalism & New Media Studies, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU); Prof. Anubhuti Yadav, Head Department of New Media and Information Technology, Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC) and Dr. Vedabhyas Kundu, Programme Officer, GSDS. Shri Dipanker Shri Gyan, Director GSDS delivered the welcome address. The entire proceeding of this conference was moderated by Prof. Jagtar Singh, Coordinator, Media and Information Literacy, University Network of India (MILUNI).
Delivering the key note address, Prof. Priyankar Upadhyaya said that information and media literacy has become a crucial component in the lives of the civilians. The new social media has brought transformational changes and has done wonders, but at the same time, it has come up with challenges of being misused, like any other energy becoming, in what he termed as “Cyber Frankenstein” and cautioned that society... Read More

Nonviolent Communication in Kyrgystan

Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti hosted an online orientation progamme with Online University of Kyrgystan on “Nonviolent Communication” on October 20, 2020. The key speaker in this orientation programme was Dr. Vedabhyas Kundu, Programme Officer, GSDS. The welcome address was given by Dr. Elira Turbudaeva, President, Online University. 63 participants from Kyrgistan and India joined the orientation program virtually. The webinar which was live-streamed in the GSDS Facebook page was had 632 viewership’s presence. The discourse was simultaneously translated in the local language. Describing various tenets of non-violent communication, Dr. Vedabhyas Kundu spoke of the communication process not just within ourselves, but with the outside world. He said that communication can either build or mar relationship.
Referring to the Buddha, Dr. Vedabhyas quoted, “Words have both the power to destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change our world”. Citing various examples and day-to-day activities, he further outlined the necessity of positive and non-violent communication for he said, “It can either spoil relationships or unite conflicting parties. It can offer wisdom and help to a friend or a stranger or offer abuse and perpetuate hatred and negativity”. Dr. Vedabhyas outlined seven sub-basic elements of non-violent communication – understanding self; learning to communicate with ourselves; constructive inner dialogue; practicing the habit of self-... Read More

Rashtriya Ekta Diwas

To mark ‘National Unity Day’ (Rashtriya Ekta Diwas), pledge taking ceremony was organised in Gandhi Darshan on October 31, 2020 at the Kalpana Chawla Jagriti Park in Gandhi Darshan. The pledge was administered by Shri Dipanker Shri Gyan, Director GSDS to the staff members. The 31st October is observed as the National Unity Day across the Country not only to commemorate the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the architect of National Integration of the Independent India, but also to reaffirm the commitment of the citizen of India to uphold the security, unity and integrity of the country.

Vigilance Awareness Week

As part of the Vigilance Awareness Week (October 27 to November 2), Director GSDS Shri Dipanker Shri Gyan administered the vigilance awareness pledge to the GSDS staff members on October 29, 2020. The theme this year is “Vigilant India, Prosperous India”. Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week every year during the last week of October is taken up to encourage all stakeholders to collectively participate in the prevention of, and the fight against corruption and to raise public awareness regarding the existence, causes and gravity of and the threat posed by corruption.

In the Footsteps of Mahatma, reaching out to communities through constructive dialogues

Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti in association with the Department of Social Work and IQAC, Rajagiri College of Social Science an autonomous body organized an “E-workshop on “In the Footsteps of Mahatma, reaching out to communities through constructive dialogues” on October 28, 2020. Shri Dipanker Shri Gyan, Director GSDS inaugurated the E-workshop. The key-note address was given by Dr. Vedabhyas Kundu, Programme Officer, GSDS. Principal of the College Dr. Binoy Joseph, also spoke on the occasion. Dr. M K Joseph (CMI), Assistant Professor, HOD Social Work Department of Rajagiri College delivered the welcome address. Dr. Mary Venus Joseph, Dean (Research) and Coordinator of IQAC, Rajagiri also spoke on the occasion. 72 participants took part in this webinar. Dr. Anand K moderated the session.
Welcoming the participants on behalf of the Rajagiri College, Dr. M K Joseph highlighted the needs that the COVID-19 pandemic produced and necessitated the need for focussing back to rural reconstruction and ‘gram swaraj’ which Mahatma Gandhi had espoused for, his concept of village self sufficiency and constructive programme taking everybody back to the roots that villages are safe and that local environment poses far less danger than the urban livelihood.
In his address, Shri Dipanker Shri Gyan congratulated the Rajagiri College for winning the Swachhata Award and said that they are one among the torchbearers to apply the philosophies of Mahatma Gandhi practically. He... Read More

A virtual meeting for celebrations to mark the 125th Birth Anniversary of Acharya Vinoba Bhave

Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti (GSDS) in collaboration with the Acharya Vinoba Bhave 125th Birth Celebration Citizen’s National Committee organized a virtual meeting on October 27, 2020 to discuss the modalities of celebrations to mark the 125th Birth Anniversary of Acharya Vinoba Bhave. The meeting was moderated by Dr Sanjeev Kumar.
Initiating the discussing Prof N Radhakrishnan called for working out a sustainable framework that would pay a befitting tribute to the saint who marched to provide justice to the last person, working on the visions of Mahatma Gandhi.
Taking the discussing forward, Shri Dipanker Shri Gyan, Director GSDS presented a two-phased agenda for the 125th birth anniversary celebration of Acharya Vinoba Bhave. These are:
Phase I includes celebrations via seminars and workshops, far and wide in India to generate mass awareness on the life and philosophy of Acharya Vinoba Bhawe.
Phase II he proposed should be a more tangible effort that would be taken towards land reforms. According to him, “Our tribute to the pioneer of the Bhoodan and Gramdan movement will only be successful when we would be able to reach out different states, districts, and even villages through the Panchayats and promote the policies related to land. It should be our utmost responsibility to fulfil the dream of Vinobaji by creating a land-conflict-free society”.

Practicing Mindfulness for Healthy Living

Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti conducted an orientation programme on “Practicing Mindfulness for Healthy Living” on October 22, 2020. 80 participants that included children from The Aditya Birla Group of School at Renu Sagar Uttar Pradesh, GSDS staff members attended the orientation programme conducted by Ms. Surbhee Singh, ICF Certified Coach, NLP Master Practitioner. Delivering the key note address, Ms. Surbhee Singh dealt with both practical as well as theoretical solutions as she pointed out the reasons for stress in what she referred to ‘expectations’ that have increased and so are the challenges, which have necessitated the need for mindfulness training in this age.

A charkha demonstration at Jantar Mantar

Eight spinners from Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti participated in a charkha demonstration at Jantar Mantar on October 2, 2020 in a programme hosted by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) on October 2, 2020 to highlight the message of simplicity and economic independence that Mahatma Gandhi aroused amongst the citizens during the freedom struggle. In total 16 portable spinning wheels were placed to educate and inform people about the thread spinning activity and its connection with Mahatma Gandhi during the programme.
The Samiti had also set up an exhibition of books on and by Mahatma Gandhi including various other GSDS publications during the programme. Representatives of the GSDS also taught visitors to spin on the charkha. The programme was coordinated by Smt. Geeta Shuka, Research Officer. Mr. Manish, Mr. Krishan, My Shyam Lal, Ms. Smita Bhan, Shri Ganesh, Shri Arun Saini and Ms. Neha Arora took part in the programme.

CBSE launched online course on nonviolent communication

In a major initiative to reach out to students, teachers, principals and parents from across the country, the Samiti in association with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), launched its ongoing free online course on nonviolent communication. The Samiti has been running the course since April 2020 and with the collaboration with CBSE it is expected to reach the length and breadth of the country.
The initiative was part of the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. CBSE has issued notification to all its affiliated schools across the country. As part of the endeavour, the Samiti will be organizing weekly lectures based on the course for teachers, students and parents.
Already 70,000 participants have enrolled for this course. Dr. Vedabhyas Kundu, Programme Officer GSDS who had structured and developed the entire course is conducting this orientation programme with different schools, universities not only in India, but abroad too.
As part of its online course on nonviolent communication, the Samiti is organizing a weekly lecture series with the Central Board of Secondary Education. The first lecture series was organized on October 21, 2020 which provided a general introduction to nonviolent communication.
The second lecture was organized on October 29, 2020 and it focussed on how we can encourage nonviolent communication ecosystems for peaceful schools. The GSDS Programme Officer, Dr Vedabhyas Kundu delivered both the lectures.

151st birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi offered rich tributes to Mahatma Gandhi in Gandhi Smriti on October 2, 2020 on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, commemorating the 151st birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi and International Day of Non-Violence. In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, as per MHA protocol, only 100 invitees attended the programme and paid their tribute to the Father of the Nation. Secretary Ministry of Culture, Shri Raghavendra Singh; Joint Secretary Ministry of Culture, Smt. Nirupama Kotru; granddaughter of Mahatma Gandhi and former Vice-Chairperson GSDS, Smt. Tara Gandhi Bhattacharjee also remembered Gandhiji in their own solemn way. Representatives from various Embassies and High Commissions took part in the programme.
The evening prayer meet began by telecasting a short film by Doordarshan Kendra, which was followed by the telecast of an initiative by DDK and GSDS The Mahatma in Me (Mujh Me Hai Mahatma) wherein almost 200 video entries were received from across the country on people’s understanding of the life, message and philosophies of Mahatma Gandhi on four different categories. The 25-minute documentary featured change ideas from participants of different age groups, young and old besides how they have imbibed the ideals as espoused by Mahatma Gandhi in their daily life.
Inter-faith prayer by leaders from different religious groups such as Buddhism, Christian, Islam, Zoroastrianism, Sikhism, Judaism, Bahai, Shabad Kirtan marked the... Read More

The relevance of Gandhijis ideas in todays era

As part of the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, Delhi Public Library (DPL) and GSDS organised a seminar on “The relevance of Gandhiji’s ideas in today’s era” on September 26, 2020. The virtual seminar was chaired by Dr. Ramsharan Gaur, President of Delhi Public Library Board. The other speakers included Shri Subhash Chandra Kankheria, President, Programme Committee and Shri Dipanker Shri Gyan, Director, GSDS.
Delivering the keynote address, Shri Dipanker Shri Gyan spoke on the exemplary life of Mahatma Gandhi and said that it is not merely a life, but an ideal principle which people should follow. Throwing insights into the concept of nonviolence, Shri Dipanker Shri Gyan spoke on the historic Champaran Satyagraha which he said was truly a fight for the rights of the farmers and further pointed that the governments of all time have given importance to the welfare of the farmers. He also spoke on the New Education Policy and hoped that different stakeholders and educational institutions would once again teach different vocations to children in order to empower them, in what he called, “Opening the scope for entrepreneurship”. He also shared his thoughts on how technology has impacted and benefitted all of us and called for sustainable living in this time of COVID-19. Reiterating his firm faith in what Gandhiji would have done during COVID-19 pandemic, Shri Dipanker Shri Gyan further laid importance of selfless service towards humankind and said that mission... Read More

The Mahatma in Me

As a culmination to the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, GSDS and Doordarshan collaborated together in a unique initiative from September 13-20, 2020 of inviting video entries from participants all across the country on their understanding of the enigmatic life of Mahatma Gandhi and how they have imbibed the Gandhian values in their lives. The programme in both Hindi and English entitled ‘Mujh Me Hai Mahatma’ and ‘The Mahatma in Me’ invited entries on any one of the following subjects – 1. How do I Practice Non-Violence in my Daily Life? 2. How do I contribute towards a culture a peace? 3. The most important Gandhian value which the world should follow today and 4. What is the most important thing I learnt from the life of Mahatma Gandhi?
Almost 200 entries were received as part of the initiative, for which the Doordarshan Kendra also made a promo of the same in their national network. The programme was launched on October 2, 2020 commemorating the 151st birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi and was presented by the Doordarshan through its DD National and DD Bharati channels during the live telecast of the inter-faith prayer meeting from Gandhi Smriti on October 2.

Swachhatta Pakhwara

The Samiti organised the ‘Swachhatta Pakhwara’ from September 16-30, 2020. During this period, awareness on cleanliness was highlighted by the Samiti through its social media platforms. Further initiatives by the GSDS staff were also taken towards uplift of both the Gandhi Smriti and Gandhi Darshan campuses where staff led by the Director GSDS Shri Dipanker Shri Gyan participated in a cleanliness drive on September 26, 2020. Also all the in-house staff participated in a massive cleaning of the Gandhi Darshan campus in the lawns. Each staff also cleaned their respective offices during this period.

Hindi Pakhwara

The Samiti organised the ‘Hindi Pakhwara’ from September 14-28, 2020 in both the campuses of the GSDS – Gandhi Smriti and Gandhi Darshan respectively. On account of COVIC-19, on-line competitions such as Essay Writing on “Gandhi aur Hindi” and poetry writing “Rashtriya Ekta Ka Pratik Hindi” were organised in which the staff of the GSDS took active part.

Imperatives of Human Solidarity in times of Global Pandemic Crisis

The Malviya Centre of Peace Research (MCPR), UNESCO Chair for Peace and Intercultural Understanding Banaras Hindu University and Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti organised an international webinar on “Imperatives of Human Solidarity in times of Global Pandemic Crisis” on September 14-15, 2020.
On Day one, the conference began with the welcome address given by Smt. Geeta Shukla, Research Officer, GSDS. 80 participants took part in the webinar. Prof. Priyankar Upadhyaya, UNESCO Chair for Peace, Malviya Centre for Peace Research, FSS, BHU who chaired the session. The other speakers in the two-day deliberations included: Ms. Veronika Yarnykh, UNESCO Chair on Media and Information Literacy and Media Education of Citizens Moscow Pedagogical State University; Dr. M. Satish Kumar, Director Internationalization School of Natural and Built Environment Culture and Society; Ms. Milena Dragidevic Sesic, UNESCO Chair in Studies of Interculturalism Art and Cultural Management and Mediation in the Balkans; Shri Dipanker Shri Gyan, Director GSDS and Dr. Manoj K Mishra Coordinator (MCPR).
Day two included the “Young Researchers Forum” where speakers from different parts of the world shared their ideas. The speakers included: Mr. Razafimamonjy Faniriantosoa Rindranirina from Antananarivo University Madagascar; Ms. Jyoti Singh PhD student from Bahasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan (India); Ms. Hsin Yen Phoebe Mok Master –Graduate School of International Peace Studies, Soka University... Read More

Mahatma Gandhis journey through Europe and Africa in the Shaping of his philosophy of Swaraj through Satyagraha

Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti (GSDS) in association with Antar Rashtriya Sahayog Parishad (ARSP), Diaspora Research and Resource Centre (DRRC) organised a virtual international conference on “Mahatma Gandhi’s journey through Europe and Africa in the Shaping of his philosophy of Swaraj through Satyagraha” on September 12, 2020. Shri V Muraleedharan Minister of State for External Affairs, Government of India was the chief guest on the occasion. 65 participants took part in the webinar that included speakers such as Smt. Ela Gandhi, Chairperson Gandhi Development Trust (Durban), South Africa who delivered the key note address; Amb. Virendra Gupta, President (ARSP); Amb. Anup Mudgal, Chairman, DRRC; Shri Dipanker Shru Gyan, Director GSDS in the inaugural session that was chaired by SHri Shyam Parande, Secretary General ARSP.
The second session was chaired by Amb. Anup Mudgal and had speakers such as Dr. Armoogum Parsuramen, Founder-President, Global Rainbow Foundation, Mauritius; Prof. Emeritys Satendra Nanda, Writer-Academic and former Fijian Parliamentarian and Cabinet Minister; Dr. Rajendran T. Govender, Social Coalition Advocate, Government of South Africa and Mr. Niroda Bramdaw, renowned journalist, author and publisher. Shri Narayan Kumar, Hon. Director ARSP and Dr. Vedabhyas Kundu, Programme Officer GSDS were also present on the occasion.

International programmes in August

Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti in association with Ateneo de Davao University, Philippines organized an e-workshop on, “The significance of Non-violent communication in Understanding the Self” on August 01, 2020. Approximately 97 students from different disciplines such as sociology, psychology and anthropology of the respective university had enthusiastically participated in this interactive session. The session ended with the question-answer round shared in between Dr. Kundu and the participants such as – How can Non-violent communication be applied in this pandemic?; How to convince someone to be positive or to gain compassion if his experience is disrupting him to be positive or be compassionate?, etc. Dr. Kundu answered all of the questions and cleared their doubts one by one.
On August 13, 2020, International Centre of Gandhian Studies and Peace Research of Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti, organized the 4th International E-dialogue on Peace Education – Building a just and Peaceful Future. The programme was mentored by Prof. Vidya Jain (Convenor, Non-Violence Commission, IPRA); chaired by Dr.Janet Gerson (Education Director, International Institute on Peace Education, USA) including individual sessions by Prof. Tony Jenkins (Managing Director, International Institute on Peace Education, USA), Prof Herbert B Rosana (Associate Dean, Graduate School, Bicol University, Philippines) and Dr. Steve Sharra (Education Policy Analyst and Peace Education, Malawi). 62... Read More


As part of its initiative to provide COVID-19 safety kit to different parts of the country as per requirement, the Samiti on August 22, 2020 sent Covid safety kit with 10,000 cotton masks and 200 pieces of oximeter to Bhagalpur, Bihar. The kits are proposed for distribution to Munger, Baka, Bhagalpur and Jamui. Shri Mukund Milind coordinated the programme.

The Samiti in association with the Lupin Human Welfare Organisation, Bharatpur Rajasthan as part of its initiative towards providing Covid-19 safety kit to different parts of the country had sent kits to Bihar for distribution. These safety kits were distributed in a small function in Jamui Bihar on August 23, 2020. The distribution programme for the health workers and social workers was led by senior member of the Farmers and Fertilizer Production Organization Arjun Mandal. Several people including Dr. D K Dhusia, Medical Officer In-charge, Health Manager Shri Mahesh Ranjan were present on the occasion.

The COVID-19 safety kit by GSDS and Lupin Human Welfare Organiation was also distributed in Haveli Kharagpur District of Munger on August 30, 2020. Shri Basant Singh, former advisor to GSDS coordinated this initiative. PPE Kits, masks, oximeter, hand gloves, hand sanitizers, face shields were distributed amongst the villagers and health care workers in Teliadiah.

GSDS and Lupin Human Welfare Organisation distributed Covid-19 safety-kit was also distributed in different districts of Chattisgarh... Read More

Nurturing Happiness through Nonviolent Communication

The Samiti in association with the Department of Mass Communication and Journalism, Eliezer Joldan Memorial (EJM) College, Leh, organised a e-conference on the theme “Nurturing Happiness through Nonviolent Communication” on August 28, 2020 with Prof. Deskyong Namgyal, Principal EJM College; Shri Gulshan Gupta, North East Coordinator, GSDS as the main speakers. Assistant Professor of EJM College, Ms. Hajira Bano moderated the session. 35 participants took part in this session. Through various examples from daily life on how to conduct one and how to frame one’s communication, Shri Gulshan Gupta spoke on the essence of words that have both the power to destroy and heal. He also quoted Mahatma Gandhi who had said that “The force of love is the same as the force of the soul or truth…”

Impact of Mahatma Gandhi in our Education Policy

Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti on August 19, 2020 organized an e-webinar on Impact of Mahatma Gandhi in our Education Policy where Shri Vijoy Prakash, IAS (Retd.), and Prof. P. K. Mishra, IIT BHU addressed the gathering of almost 54 participants on “Entrepreneurship through Innovation for students of marginalized communities” and “From Lab to Land: Innovation and it’s practical implications in Educational Institutions: A Gandhian Approach”. The programme was moderated by Ms. Mansi Sharma who argued the need to build an ethical and rational character among the children of this country, as she said that “In the next decade India will have the highest youth population in the world. And, therefore we are here to discuss what exactly the New Education Policy of India talk about and how is it extracted from the ideas of Mahatma Gandhi?”

The Role of Indigenous Folk Traditions in Value Creation

The Samiti in association with Raja Narendra Lal Khan Women’s College, West Bengal organised an E-conference on “The Role of Indigenous Folk Traditions in Value Creation” on August 18, 2020. 138 participants took part in the e-conference that was addressed by chief guest Shri Giridhar Gamang, former Chief Minister of Odisha. The other distinguished speakers at the webinar included Padmashri Shri Akshok Bhagat, Founder Secretary, Vikas Bharti, Bishunpur, Jharkhand and National Awardee Jhumur singer and choreographer Ms. Madhushree Hatial, Jhumur Singer. The programme focused on the rich folk traditions of the tribals and how it is important for the new generation to know the values that have preserved this rich heritage. Ms. Kanak Kaushik of GSDS moderated the discussion.

74th Independence Day

Director GSDS, Shri Dipanker Shri Gyan hoisted the Tricolour in Gandhi Darshan on August 15, 2020 on the occasion of the 74th Independence Day. The celebration culminated with GSDS staff in residential quarters taking part in the programme. Shri Dipanker Shri Gyan called upon the staff to contribute towards nation-building and attain different sustainable skills that would go a long way in making one self-reliant. The sound of Jana Gana Man, the National Anthem reverberated in the pleasant morning as an inspiration to all.

E-Dialogue on Nourishing Happiness through Communication

Under the International Centre of Gandhian Studies and Peace Research of the GSDS, the Samiti organized an E-Dialogue on “Nourishing Happiness through Communication” on August 11, 2020 for participants who had undertaken the free on-line certificate program on “Non-violent communication” run by the GSDS. The dialogue was organized with the participants who not only undertook the course, but also have taken initiative at their individual level towards promotion of the free course and further involved various stakeholders in understanding the dynamics of the course and the change within that was equally reiterated by the presenters during the dialogue. The dialogue which was moderated and coordinated by Ms. Prerna Jindal of GSDS had the following speakers – Ms. Malika Hussaini a student from Afghanistan; Ms. Sohini Jana, Director, J K Policy Institute, Jammu and Kashmir; Mr. Nikhil Tripathi, Advocate from Madhya Pradesh; Ms. Suchi Sharma, Educator from Delhi; Mr. Vinayak Trivedi, a student from Delhi Public School, Gurugram, Ms. Marzia Bano, Government Teacher from Kargil and Ms. Sonam Chorol, a student from Leh.


From the eastern most corner of the country in Assam to down South in Karnataka; to Bengal and Odisha, to the Western belt of Uttar Pradesh, Punjab; the enthusiasm of almost 129 children from 15 states knew no bounds as they gathered virtually in a webinar taking part in a national programme on poetry recitation and singing on the theme of “Patriotism” on August 8, 2020. Organised by Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti, the programme was organised as part of the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Hiroshima Day (August 6) and the 78th anniversary of the historic Quit India movement launched under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi on August 8, 1942. Participants from Assam, Agartala, Bihar, Bengal, Haryana, Hyderabad, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Manipur, Chandigarh, Jallandhar, Gurugram, Varanasi, and Delhi joined in this four hour online celebration of ideas through their poems and songs of harmony.

RT-PCR, antigen, antibody TrueNAT test for the GSDS staff members

In light of COVID-19, as part of its initiative towards safeguarding the health of the staff members, Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti in association with team of doctors from the South Delhi Municipal Cooperation conducted the RT-PCR, antigen, antibody TrueNAT test for the GSDS staff members on August 6, 2020. Dr. Sunil Kumar Minj, Medical Officer Incharge UPHC Darya Ganj and Sub Centre Vikram Nagar, South Delhi Municipal Corporation along with his team comprising Mr. Md Ashfaque (Lab Technician) and others conducted the Serology test in Gandhi Darshan for 50 people in the category of 05-18 years; 18-50 years and 50 years and above.

International Programmes in July

The Samiti in collaboration with Trincomalee Campus Eastern University, Sri Lanka is organising an E-workshop on “Exploring a Nonviolent Communication Ecosystem” on July 2, 2020 with key speakers as Director GSDS Shri Dipanker Shri Gyan and Dr. Vedabhyas Kundu, Programme Officer GSDS. 177 participants took part in the workshop. The moderator of the E-workshop was Ms. Sivapriya Sriram. Ms. Nisansala Jayawardhana coordinated the programme.

The Samiti jointly with Beti and Shiksha Foundation in association with High Commission of India in Port of Spain Trinidad and Tobago and Mahatma Gandhi Institute for Cultural Co-Operation organised an E-conference on “Practicing Non-Violence in our Daily Lives” on July 8, 2020. Key speakers included: H.E. Mr. Arun Kumar Sahu, High Commissioner Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago; Dr. Vedabhyas Kundu, Programme Officer, GSDS, Mrs. Renu Sharma, B & S Foundation. The conference was chaired by Dr. Pandita Indrani Rampersad. 50 participants from India, Surinam, Guyane and Trindad took part in the e-conference. In his remarks, High Commissioner H.E. Mr. Arun Kumar Sahu spoke about the adoption of the resolution by the United Nations to mark October 2, birthday of Mahatma Gandhi as the International Day of Non-Violence every year and said that this was a great initiative taken by India in recognition to the principles of peace and nonviolence that are fundamental to human interdependence. Speaking about Mahatma Gandhi’s principles... Read More

Initiatives of GSDS for Covid-19 during July 2020

The Samiti in association with Lupin Human Welfare Organisation, Bharatpur took the following initiatives during July 2020:
On July 9, 2020, Covid-19 safety kit containing 300 PPE Kits, 7500 cotton masks, 300 face shields, 3000 pair of hand gloves, 250 pieces goggles, 30 pieces of IR Thermometer and 15 pieces of Oximeter were sent to Raipur and Mahasamund in Chattisgarh respectively.

On July 17, 2020, 50 washable PPE kits; 10 disposable PPE kits, 200 face shields, 20 N-95 masks, 2000 pair hand gloves and 3000 cotton masks were sent to Damoh, Madhya Pradesh.

On July 21, 2020 16 pieces of washable PPE kits, 20 pieces of disposable PPE kits, 50 face shields, 30 N-95masks, 1000 pairs of hand gloves, 1000 pieces of cotton masks, 10 IR thermometer, 15 oximeter and 50 goggles were sent to Sonebhadra in Uttar Pradesh.

Further on July 22 and 24, 2020 the Samiti in association with the South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) conducted COVID-19 rapid antigen test. In these two days almost 345 tests were conducted for staffs of GSDS, Khadi and Village Industries Corporation (KVIC), Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), workers at the construction site of the Rashtriya Swachhata Mission and people residing in and around Gandhi Darshan campus.

On July 28, 2020, Covid -19 safety kit comprising five pieces of PPE Kit, 50 pieces of face shield, 50 pairs of hand gloves, 50 pieces of cotton mask, one oximeter, 50 goggles, 5 pieces of N-95... Read More

Initiatives of GSDS as part of Sankalp Parva

As part of the celebrations to mark the Sankalp Parva, Programme Officer GSDS Dr. Vedabhyas Kundu and Research Officer GSDS Smt. Geeta Shukla planted Banyan and Neem trees in Gandhi Darshan. Housekeeping staffs, volunteers also planted trees in their respective homes. The Samiti has been regularly updating the activities during the Sankalp Parv in the social media such as Twitter, Facebook and Instragram. Further in association with Ped Panchayat, the Samiti planted five life-giving trees on July 6, 2020. Shri Prabod Raj Chandol gifted Bel, Neem, Amla, Bargad and Peepal. Director GSDS Shri Dipanker Shri Gyan also panted the trees on the occasion. Shri Chandol also joined the plantation drive. Dr. Manju Aggarwal coordinated with the Ped Panchayat in getting the trees for the plantation drive. Senior citizens who are members of Ped Panchayat joined the ceremony and planted trees on the occasion. Overall during this period beginning from June 28, 2020 onwards, trees such as Neem, Peepal, Bel, Awla, Baheda, Jamun Anjir, Sharifam flowery plants and Ber were planted. Almost 61 trees were planted.

From Retribution to Restorative Practices Handling Classroom Conflicts using NonViolent Communication

The Samiti in association with the Government College of Education, Institute of Advance Studies in Education (IASE), Cluster University, Srinagar organised a webinar on “From Retribution to Restorative Practices – Handling Classroom Conflicts using Non-Violent Communication” on July 27, 2020. 205 participants took part in the webinar and discussed different aspects and strategies of using nonviolent communication techniques. Prof. (Dr) Ruhi Jan Kanth, Principal Government College of Education, IASE, Kashmir, Director GSDS, Shri Dipanker Shri Gyan and Programme Officer GSDS Dr. Vedabhyas Kundu were the key speakers. The webinar was moderated by Shri Anjuman Qureshi. The programme began with a musical tarana by Mr. Syed Iqbal.

Online workshop on Strategies on Conflict Resolution in Classrooms: An Exploration for Teachers/Lecturers

Department of Education Kargil, LAHDC Kargil Ladakh in collaboration with Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti initiated a two-days on-line workshop on "Strategies on Conflict Resolution in Classrooms: An Exploration" for Teachers/Lecturers on July 22-23, 2020. Honble CEC LAHDC Kargil Shri Feroz Ahmad Khan inaugurated the online workshop and also launched a free on-line course "Strategies of Conflict Resolution for Peaceful Schools" for teachers, B.Ed, M. Ed and Education Researchers. Shri Nazir Ahmad Wani CEO Kargil welcomed all the Guests and Participants. Dr Vedabhyas Kundu Programme Officer GSDS was also present along with the Resource Person Dr. Shazia Mansoori Asst. Prof AMU, and other dignitaries. The programme was moderated by Mr. Syed Sajjad Agha, Programme Coordinator, Education Department, Kargil. In both the two days of the workshop 95 students took part.

launching the virtual online course on NonViolent Communication in Tamil

“Mahatma Gandhi was an actionist. For him communication was a key for establishing relationships. Despite many atrocities that he faced during the freedom struggle, Gandhiji never used any harsh or abusive words”, said Smt. Nirupama Kotru, Joint Secretary Ministry of Culture, Government of India while launching the virtual on-line course on “Non-Violent Communication” in Tamil by Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti in association with PSG College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore on July 20, 2020. Speaking to almost 163 participants that included people from the academics and students including staff of GSDS, Smt. Nirupama Kotru said, “Mahatma Gandhi shunned any form of violence in his actions. He would go fast unto death to resolve conflicts and curb outpour of violence”.

An on-line training program on use of social media

An on-line training program on use of social media was organised by the Samiti for its staff members on July 19, 2020. Shri Pankaj Sharma, Technical Associate GSDS conducted the training programme that began with an address of Director GSDS Shri Dipanker Shri Gyan who said that knowledge of using social media sites have become a necessity in view of the on-line programmes are being organised regularly. Shri Pankaj during his presentation to almost 30 members who attended the training programme spoke of the methodologies of using social sites for wide coverage and reach out of the GSDS initiatives. Explaining the difference and uses of hash tags and @ symbols for Twitter or Facebook or You Tube channels, he went on to explaining the procedures of joining a webinar through ‘Google Meet’, which GSDS is using for all its on-line programmes/webinars. He further explained the process of using Facebook, tagging photographs, etc. He also gave examples of using Google Tools such as Google Calendar, Google Drive, Google Classroom, Google Docs, Google Slide, Google Sheet, etc.

Karigari Aur Samruddh Gramya-Jivan

“A nurturer, supporter and innovator of handmade and handcrafted products and artisans, Gandhiji helped India''s economy and gave the craftspersons a platform to grow”, said Shri Laxmi Dass, Vice President Harijan Sevak Sangh and EC Member Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti (GSDS) while addressing a webinar on “Karigari Aur Samruddh Gramya-Jivan (Sustainable Rural Life of Craftsperson) organised by GSDS on July 17, 2020. Addressing a gathering of 86 participants which included people who gave their life towards the upliftment of the artisans and craftsperson, including senior Gandhian workers, social entrepreneurs and people from other segments of the society, the speakers unanimously necessitated the idea of providing job opportunities in the villages by empowering the rural youth in different skills which can guarantee them their livelihood so that they do not migrate to urban areas.

Mindfulness: A way towards balance and harmony

Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti organized a webinar on “Mindfulness: A way towards balance and harmony” in association with KAMS Convent School, New Delhi on July 16, 2020. The webinar was graced with the august presence of Sister Vidhatri from Brahmakumaris. Ms. Soniya Saini (Principal-KAMS convent School), Dr. Vedabhyas Kundu (Programme Officer, GSDS), Mr. Rajdeep Pathak (Programme Executive, GSDS) and Ms. Kanak Kaushik (Course Incharge-Mindfulness, GSDS). 38 teachers and students of KAMS convent school along with staff members of the Samiti participated in the webinar that began with the welcome address by Dr.Vedabhyas Kundu who enumerated the benefits of mindfulness.

Neuro Rehabilitation and Wellness through Physiotherapy in Stroke Patients

A stroke occurs when the blood supply to part of your brain is Interrupted or reduced, preventing brain tissue from getting oxygen and Nutrients. Brain cells begin to die in minutes. A stroke is a medical emergency, and prompt treatment is crucial. Early action can reduce Brain damage and other complications. As we all know, physiotherapists Acts as catalyst to heal the aids of society without drugs. All these and many more issues were discussed at a webinar on “Neuro Rehabilitation and Wellness through Physiotherapy in Stroke Patients” was organised by Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti on July 15, 2020 with Dr. Rahul Sharma, Physiotherapist from the Department of Neurology at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS). Dr. Aman Kanda, a Naturopath and student of physiotherapy from Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Physiotherapy. 67 participants took part in the webinar.

11th Prabhash Joshi Memorial Lecture

Dr Abhay Bang believes that in today's time, 'Health is a great need for Swarajya'. He said, “Your lifestyle should be healthy. Natural diseases, abstinence lifestyle, alcoholism and tobacco cessation all cures many diseases on their own. To be healthy means to be self-sufficient. In this global epidemic and crisis period of Corona, there is a shortage of such a great hero and guide who cannot be seen anywhere in the world. The greatest superhero of our era is Mahatma Gandhi. Today Gandhiji is being remembered again and again. If Gandhi had been in the global epidemic, economic and environmental crisis, he would have presented a message to us like a great hero. He also said that my life is my message. In today's challenging period, we should find Gandhi's message and solutions in our lives”. Padmashri Dr. Abhay Bang said this while delivering the 11th Prabhash Joshi Memorial Lecture on July 12, 2020 organised by Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti and Prabhash Parampara Nyas on the birthday of Prabhash Joshi, founder editor of Jansatta, on the subject: “What would Gandhi have done today - Nine Point Program”.
